KS Community Health Worker Coalition

Family and Children

Department for Children and Families

Serving all Kansas residents to protect children, promote health families, and encourage personal responsibility.  Services provided include: child support services, economic and employment services, prevention and protection services, rehabilitation services, and services through the Office of the General Counsel.


Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition

The Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition works to improve the health and well-being across the state by working to promote, protect and support breastfeeding.  Meetings are held locally, click the link to find the nearest location.


Kansas Health Departments
Directory by County

Majority of the health departments in Kansas provide pediatric and pregnancy care, medical services, WIC information, and information for additional resources in the state.  Use the link to find the nearest health department.


Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
785-296-1320 or 800-332-6262

Provides nutritional guidance, supplemental assistance, counseling, screening and referrals for other health reasons to low-income and nutritionally at risk women.